Emergency Responder

Mr. Layne Herrington- Emergency Responder

L Herrington
Law and Public Safety

Law and Public Safety provides the opportunity for our students to learn and develop the skills necessary for a career in Fire Fighting, Law Enforcement, or Emergency Medical Services. Skills include personal protective equipment, CPR/AED, First Aid, and self-defense tactics.

Students will also have the opportunity to learn soft skills necessary for employment such as job application and interview processes, leadership skills, time management skills, and self-motivation.

There are five pathways under the Law and Public Safety Cluster:

    Legal Services
    Law Enforcement Services
    Security and Protective Services
    Emergency and Fire Management Services
    Correction Services

The LAPS students have the opportunity to participate in SkillsUSA, our career technical student organization that allows them to demonstrate their leadership and job ready skills with students across the state and nation.